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Kaminario’s K2 Array Chosen by SwiftNess as the Central Storage Solution for the Israel Ministry of Finance’s Pension Clearinghouse
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 02:29:27 PM


Kaminario, the leading all-flash array storage provider for midrange enterprises, today announced that SwiftNess, the developer and operator of Israel’s Ministry of Finance’s pension clearinghouse, has selected Kaminario’s all-flash storage array for central clearing house operations. Kaminario’s K2 solution will replace a hybrid storage solution (a combination of SAS and SSD disks), which did not provide the level of service needed for such a critical system. K2 was chosen for the pension clearinghouse after a comprehensive technological examination of all the hybrid solutions and all-flash solutions available on the market.

Kaminario K2 v5 was chosen as the basis for the central storage repository due to its speed and improved response times for IOPS-intensive systems such as pension clearance systems. Kaminario’s unique scale-out/scale-up architecture allows for it to optimally deal with the expected sharp, linear growth of the storage array and the number of users without compromising performance, while preserving SwiftNess’ investment in the storage array.

K2, which includes technologies for reducing the volume of data, enables greater data volume using less storage space, bringing significant savings in floor space and power consumption due to its inline compression and inline deduplication technologies. The storage array was also selected due to its ability to provide high availability, data protection and business continuity using snapshots and the most advanced RAID technology.

“We chose Kaminario because we have seen its unique architecture cope, uninterrupted, with a sharp increase in the number of transactions to achieve fixed response times for each type of information,” said Gil Ardon, Vice President of Information Systems at SwiftNess. “We were pleased with its stability and high level of reliability, advanced data protection functionality and ease of management. The establishment of a central storage system in our data center based on Kaminario allows us to address the need to manage and store an increasing amount of information at a cost that is most competitive with traditional storage solutions.

SwiftNess implemented a K2 storage array consisting of tens of terabytes, which is expected to grow significantly over the next year with the expanded usage of the system by the public, pension distribution & advisory bodies??, insurance companies and pension & provident funds. EDP is carrying out the clearing house infrastructure project, while implementation of the storage array, the first phase of which is estimated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, was carried out by Kaminario experts.

“We are proud that SwiftNess chose Kaminario for its pension clearinghouse – a remarkably important national project, for which the information system is critical,” said Ron Davidi, Director of EMEA at Kaminario. “The company evaluated the leading manufacturers in the field of all-flash based on criteria such as reliability and stability, simplicity of management and installation, information security and more, and Kaminario led in all of these areas.”

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